If we don’t have what you are looking for, we can work with our great network of suppliers to find it for you.
- Antennae
- Cable & Accessories (PVC, SWA, etc.)
- Conduit (including Anaconda conduits)
- Cable pits and accessibility products
- Cable slab, glands, and other accessories
- Switchgear
- Switches, sockets, pushbuttons, and control
- High voltage products
- Low voltage lighting
- Enclosures and accessories
Communication and Security Systems:
- PA systems, sound equipment
- Security systems, intercom systems, sirens
- Data, computer, networking, and IT products
- Fibre optics
- Closed circuit TV
- TV and home automation
Lighting and Safety Equipment:
- Lighting, lamps, and tubes
- Lighting poles
- Hazardous location items
- Signs, stickers, and test tags
- Safety products
- Fire and safety equipment
Power Distribution and Instrumentation:
- Electric motors and drive systems
- Switchboards and power distribution
- Instrumentation and indication